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  • shereen62

My Bucket List - Hawaii

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

Idyillic beaches and stunning scenery, the Hawaiian islands have so much to offer.. From the busy nightlife on Oahu or relaxation in Maui, surfing on Oahu or hiking in Kaua'i.

Surfing was actually invented in Hawaii and surfers from around the globe come to ride the huge suicidal looking waves.

Maui is home to Mount Haleakala, which is the largest dormant volcano in the world. Meanwhile, the big island is home to Kilauea, the worlds most active volcano, which has been spewing out lave since 1983.

Hawaii is the only US state with two official languages.. English & Hawaiian.

Aloha serves as both hello & goodbye. AND my favourite fact.. Hawaiians hug instead of handshake.

Activities to enjoy include.. whale watching, snorkelling, watch a sunset from the summit of a volcano, hike in the forest, do a waterfall tour and visit Pi'ilanihale Heiau - a 600 year old Polynesian Temple.

Photo credit: Taylor Nix

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